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people respond. I liked the xayahshirt-If you’re going to be salty Bring the Tequila vintage shirt that we show Claire…not being typical. It’s a very difficult thing to go through. Her response to it was unexpected, and I thought the ways we approached it were empowering to the character.”After such a trauma, one might wonder why Claire doesn’t just return to her own time to recover as much as she can from this atrocity. “For Claire, this is home now,”

Balfe says. “And I think for everybody, no matter what happens in your life, there is that small part of you that knows that home is safety. And even if people try to take that away from you, you will slowly try to rebuild that, because that’s the xayahshirt-If you’re going to be salty Bring the Tequila vintage shirt thing that gives any of us any grounding, and it’s going to take some time but she has her family around and that will be the key to her recovery.” Skelton thinks the finale, while

xayahshirt-If you’re going to be salty Bring the Tequila vintage shirt
Balfe says. “And I think for everybody, no matter what happens in your life, there is that small part of you that knows that home is safety. And even if people try to take that away from you, you will slowly try to rebuild that, because that’s the xayahshirt-If you’re going to be salty Bring the Tequila vintage shirt thing that gives any of us any grounding, and it’s going to take some time but she has her family around and that will be the key to her recovery.” Skelton thinks the finale, while
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