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people shop? How will they do it? And will we ever be able to walk into a store anxiety-free again?
Amidst all these unknowns, one start-up is making a progressive play. Launching today, The Yes aims to streamline and personalize the evelynnteeshirts-LGBT sassy since birth salty by choice shirt shopping experience while also providing Silicon Valley-approved technology to small and large fashion brands that need it now more than ever.

Founded by former COO of StitchFix Julie Bornstein and Google and Groupon alum Amit Aggarwal, The Yes app uses newly-minted algorithms to tailor style and shopping preferences based on simple “yes” or “no” answers. Users might be asked “would you wear a cold-shoulder?” Or “would you wear a maxi skirt?” Results are based on replies and the “evelynnteeshirts-LGBT sassy since birth salty by choice shirt ”
Amidst all these unknowns, one start-up is making a progressive play. Launching today, The Yes aims to streamline and personalize the evelynnteeshirts-LGBT sassy since birth salty by choice shirt shopping experience while also providing Silicon Valley-approved technology to small and large fashion brands that need it now more than ever.

evelynnteeshirts-LGBT sassy since birth salty by choice shirt
Founded by former COO of StitchFix Julie Bornstein and Google and Groupon alum Amit Aggarwal, The Yes app uses newly-minted algorithms to tailor style and shopping preferences based on simple “yes” or “no” answers. Users might be asked “would you wear a cold-shoulder?” Or “would you wear a maxi skirt?” Results are based on replies and the “evelynnteeshirts-LGBT sassy since birth salty by choice shirt ”
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