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Soon he’ll be five years old. He lost his mother, who was pregnant with his sister, the day before his second birthday. One recent Saturday morning over breakfast, he told me a story about a boy whose mother did not die when he was two. Instead, she gave birth to a daughter, the boy’s baby sister. He gave some additional details about the evelynnteeshirts-Move restore revive physical therapy shirt and sunglasses the boy had, and that he lived near the

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beach with all of his toys. When he came to the evelynnteeshirts-Move restore revive physical therapy shirt of his story, he said the boy lived happily ever after. And the boy’s name was Dash.
His optimism and emotional intelligence lift me up. Throughout all of this confusion and frustration, I found a boy who was just happy to be with his dad. This is evident in the way he smiles at me each day. I thought about the song that played in the background in the delivery room while he was
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