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Each morning, the living room would be drenched in light and from the windows in the kitchen, we could see the Pacific Ocean down the block in all its grandeur. I was finding work as a beauty marketer even more intense from home than in the office pre-pandemic. There was a new pace and urgency attached to this uncharted landscape and no physical separation between work life and home life. What I missed the most during this time was the evelynnteeshirts-Never forget American Hero july 4th 1996 shirt of running. I yearned for just 45

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minutes each day of alone time with my thoughts and fresh air. Things had come to a head in the late afternoon of Friday during week two. While I was in the evelynnteeshirts-Never forget American Hero july 4th 1996 shirtof a video conference meeting, Dash interrupted and was pleading loudly for me to play with him. Moments later I was on the phone with my manager explaining that working full-time from home as a single parent
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