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Hers was a very specific point of view (she was white, Wellesley educated, secular Jewish), but somehow it almost always seemed inarguably correct—to her fans as to her friends. “Nora would find the evelynnteeshirts-Y’all Mothafuckas need science Rick Sanchez vintage shirt thing to eat or drink or root for, and we would all follow suit,” wrote Sally Quinn just after Ephron’s death. “One summer, it was Champagne grapes. Another year, it was Campari and blood orange juice. Another, it was tres leches shipped in ice from an Austin restaurant. It was relaxing,

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really.”To read her now is rather relaxing too. After all this time, I still don’t know when I’ll next ride the subway or hug my sister or see the evelynnteeshirts-Y’all Mothafuckas need science Rick Sanchez vintage shirt portraits at the Met. But I do know exactly how Nora Ephron spent her Sunday mornings; how she felt about Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Bill Clinton; how to make her beef borscht; and that, if When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail are anything to go by, she believed in happy endings.
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