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home: 2020funy
ADMITTED to being a Marxist: " I am convinced Socialism is the evelynnteeshirts-Cats Ew people vintage shirt answer..." My personal theory is that Ted appeals to the "success seminar" culture that a lot of economically obsessed people follow. It is just one of the few channels that will post stuff like this despite the large fraction of right wing watchers. I personally barely feel safe commenting on their videos knowing the kind of toxic

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culture that is waiting in most of their comment sections. @Slartibartfast Slartibartfast -- "Toxic" this and "toxic" that ... can't you have the evelynnteeshirts-Cats Ew people vintage shirt to just admit that your Leftist ideals are just morally and factually bankrupt? Sorry, is it "toxic" to call you out on that too? I think we have to pinpoint the countries where children have failed Education systems, and ask Why....schools, education, teachers, are very localised, and do not need a large
home: 2020funy
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