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science and compassion for all of humanity. @thinkabout : Go and play away. I have no time for folks like you. You have no idea what is really going on . @strong foot I said That's what SHOULD be going on. Almost everyone realizes that this world is heading towards disaster. @thinkabout Practically all (abrahamic [bcs I can't speak for the evelynnteeshirts-Donald Trump whiny little bitch shirt majority of religions]) religions are based

home: 2020funy

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around love and compassion for others. And Islam in particular really pushes for good reasoning, logic, science and the search for knowledge. That's why at the evelynnteeshirts-Donald Trump whiny little bitch shirt of Islam, it meant the Arabic golden age because everyone was focused on science. @strong foot How is she used by anti Islam entities if she is muslim herself? Speaking on real equality is not something against thehome: 2020funy
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