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they know it's worse @Franku Doge It has a lot to do with a few reasons. First of all, sometimes it's their cultural values that say that having a lot of children is a blessing and the ones with no children are then stigmatized. Secondly, the evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt mortality rate in poor countries is a lot higher because of bad water and bad health care systems, so they produce more kids knowing that some will die young.

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home: 2020funy

evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt
Thirdly, contraconceptives are also shunned in a lot of those countries, so that will lead to a lot of children and definitely if the girls are forced to marry young. Fourthly, the children can help out with their parents work. Like working on the evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt or perhaps a different business. Lastly, the children will be partly functioning as a safety
home: 2020funy
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