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economy, what do you find morally wrong with making education a priority for everyone? Without an education how can we function as a technology driven society, and pursue happiness as individuals? What do we stand for if we don't support everyone's learning and success?
As for the birth rate nonsense, you should probably look up more research. The evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt between poverty and birth rate doesn't add up if having more kids clearly causes a better economy and society. In other words, there are many more factors at play than education and birth rate. Also correlation=/=

causation. This is because Pakistanis dislike her. As she talks about girls education and yet she hasn't constructed a single primary school for girls in her hometown. @Citizen Four not every socialist is a marxist :) I just love her! So inspiring, especially as a teacher myself. Love from Germany! Malala is a hypocrite Hahahahahahahahahaha....great... A beauty with brain I don't think writing a letter to a Pakistan MP is going to get you very far She is nothing in Pakistan @Zero Sternritter why? Some of these comments are horrifically ignorant. Malala, you’re amazing! You continue to inspire and the evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt
home: 2020funy
As for the birth rate nonsense, you should probably look up more research. The evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt between poverty and birth rate doesn't add up if having more kids clearly causes a better economy and society. In other words, there are many more factors at play than education and birth rate. Also correlation=/=

evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt
causation. This is because Pakistanis dislike her. As she talks about girls education and yet she hasn't constructed a single primary school for girls in her hometown. @Citizen Four not every socialist is a marxist :) I just love her! So inspiring, especially as a teacher myself. Love from Germany! Malala is a hypocrite Hahahahahahahahahaha....great... A beauty with brain I don't think writing a letter to a Pakistan MP is going to get you very far She is nothing in Pakistan @Zero Sternritter why? Some of these comments are horrifically ignorant. Malala, you’re amazing! You continue to inspire and the evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt
home: 2020funy
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