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m where i live, farming is always associated with poverty. This is why nowadays, most young people do not want to be farmers or study agriculture. Currently, farmers gain very little profit from the istyletee-Rocky Balboa America shirt that they grow. Many rice fields are being turned into large subdivisions also. My father has been a farmer and supported our fa
istyletee-Rocky Balboa America shirt
mily through it, and i can say that the support that farmers receive from the istyletee-Rocky Balboa America shirt government isnt really that much. Dear TED-Ed team I saw that you made a mistake in showing the correct ma farms. I heard those already existed in precolombian times ️ Frop of India, you have excluded our proud state Jammu & Kashmir from it. But actually in our actual country map, Jammu & Kashmir is at the top and serves as the crown of this beautiful coun
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