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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

xayahshirt-Black Dragon I am so Grumpy i am not even talking to Myself shirt

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Buy it :Black Dragon I am so Grumpy i am not even talking to Myself shirt professional!  great talk, like it a lot  For the love of all that’s good in the world, stop beginning every talk or response to a question with “So...”. Make a definite start.  Social context culture  This brings a new perspective to 'out with the negative and in with the  xayahshirt-Black Dragon I am so Grumpy i am not even talking to Myself shirt  '  Shavua Tov Professor Sharot, Thx so muc xayahshirt-Black Dragon I am so Grumpy i am not even talking to Myself shirt h for these nuggets.  Brilliant !  Well this was no help at all. I cant motivate myself to do anything so how am I just gonna be able to turn it on and have the  xayahshirt-Black Dragon I am so Grumpy i am not even talking to Myself shirt  power to follow all this guidelines and then continue to stick to them when I don't even have the motivation to finish this video. Also the noises she was maki...

istyletee-Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  The tragedy of the commons has been called propaganda to support the  istyletee-Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  of ancient lands from natives, ignoring that the natives had been living successfully together on the lands for thousands of years. Using the word "tragedy" in a context where it often is not, is propaganda and advocacy for istyletee-Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt a particular point of view. The tragedy of the  istyletee-Kentucky State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  is a projection of western and "civilized" culture problems onto other cultures. It seems hard for western and civilized cultures to believe that other cultures have success with working together, co-ownership and sharing - such concepts are anti-capitalist and must be deemed "tragic". That's the REAL tragedy! home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Langston HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it :Langston HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  only taking as much as they can eat. Why would a culture waste time and labor gathering more if it can't be used? This was recognized by explorers from so-called "advanced" societies when they discovered the more "primitive", "stone-age" tribes. Typically, due to the  istyletee-Langston HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  for the sea or istyletee-Langston HBCU Black Ivy League shirt "commons", as described, to supply food, the villagers spent their time in more productive endeavors, rather than a futile attempt to hoard rotting fish. Fish don't store. Hoarding takes time and labor. Fish are fresher when caught daily. The greater benefits of following social norms of the  istyletee-Langston HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  are obvious to the villagers and only strange to the greedy and hoarding outsiders. home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Lawson State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Lawson State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt Now have a nice day.  What's bad about buying water?  This situation can be explained with 3 words, Human is greedy  Private property and capitalism destroyed the  istyletee-Lawson State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  . That is the real tragedy.  Is This  Anti Capitalist or what  Hardin confused the common property with open access, as you pointed out in the end of the video common property can be managed by the community. Therefore the  istyletee-Lawson State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt problem shows the need for regulations and that open access areas will always be exploited, such as our oceans  The TRIUMPH of the  istyletee-Lawson State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  : Each fisherman is motivated to take as many fish as possible? Not so. People in tribes and small villages understand cooperation. They survive by  home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Lemoyne Owen HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it :Lemoyne Owen HBCU Black Ivy League shirt PROLETARIER ALLER LÄNDER, VEREINIGT EUCH!  Excellent  Lol they twisted the tragedy of the commons to anti-individualism. It's commonly used to support argument that shared resource(the pool in this video) doesn't work. If the pool is private, the  istyletee-Lemoyne Owen HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  -men won't have the motive to exhaust istyletee-Lemoyne Owen HBCU Black Ivy League shirt his resource.  There is an obvious social justice bias to this ...  How much value does this arguement hold when the governing forces of men is noth I get the point, but to blindly trust in democracy when its disguissed as tyrany, c'mon,ing but the driving force of destruction and the  istyletee-Lemoyne Owen HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  curruptor of mens soul. home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Lincoln HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Lincoln HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  Except fish have thousands of babies  Socialism !!!  Interesting.  #Socialism  This makes me think about the  istyletee-Lincoln HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  coronavirus pandemic,  Grocery stores are not closing. But supply chains are limited. If everyone goes about their normal business instead of panicking, there's enough food fo istyletee-Lincoln HBCU Black Ivy League shirt r everyone.  In Game Theory, this is a form of Prisoners' Dilemma.  The  istyletee-Lincoln HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  is privatization.  If the pond is owned by one person, then they can license others to fish there, and set catch limits.  This is why we have private property.  So.....Communism?  It's basically capitalism without any regulation.  and how people are going crazy over food and stocking up. home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Livingstone HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Livingstone HBCU Black Ivy League shirt Tried to do that, but the translation by community is not allowed. Can you change the  istyletee-Livingstone HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  so as to de able to do so? Thanks.  One thing that can explain this tragedy to its most fundamental is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Every product that you want produced will result in net chaos.  Control yourself. Take only what you need from it.  But what if each fisherman takes 3 fish for themselves istyletee-Livingstone HBCU Black Ivy League shirt , eat one fish and let the 2 fish reproduce everyday. If they try to eat more than 1 then its their problem, not affecting everyone for the  istyletee-Livingstone HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  source.  Make arabic  translations  I think we are lost cause..  This isn't about something like fishing, that was a metaphor. It's about situations like those given at the end.  home:  20...

istyletee-More over girls let this old lady show You how to be a CNA vintage shirt

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Buy it: More over girls let this old lady show You how to be a CNA vintage shirt  . living for others and others for oneself has always been the  istyletee-More over girls let this old lady show You how to be a CNA vintage shirt  effective way to thrive  Take as needed, no greed  So basically communism!  sounds like theoretical communism  It's not about passing laws, it's about being conscious...  The saluting is private ownership  ted-ed, great video, istyletee-More over girls let this old lady show You how to be a CNA vintage shirt could you please do one on how religion (christianity and islam) spread in africa, since they were originally mostly animists and multi-theist, i will post this under every video till i see a ted-ed presentation on it XD  Great video. I'd like to translate de subs to spanish.  the  istyletee-More over girls let this old lady show You how to be a CNA vintage shirt  home:  2020xa...

istyletee-Morgan State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Morgan State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt been gained. The entire global economy functions on the  istyletee-Morgan State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  of the commons. The only difference is, the rich states do it to the poor states.  Not by Aristotle first?  woke  That Aristotle quote is too real  So this basically proves the capitalistic axiom wrong "What is good for each of us istyletee-Morgan State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  is good for all of us" (act in self interest and it will serve common interest). It maybe works with unlimited resources but with unlimited resources it will lead to our demise because we don't think and act as a society and instead only want to maximized our individual profit  the  istyletee-Morgan State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Mvsu HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Mvsu HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  someone who thinks global warming is Chinese currency inflation, or something (smh), and appoints skeptics of the effects of global warming to the EPA and NASA, so.... everything past the 4 min mark is shenanigans  sounds like Prisoner'd Dillema  so the  istyletee-Mvsu HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  of the commons is that by far most istyletee-Mvsu HBCU Black Ivy League shirt folks don't love each other enough, and they're greedy.  May be Thanos is right  Its unfortunate that a video about The Tragedy of the  istyletee-Mvsu HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  does not mention property rights.  Watch this, CHINA.  This is basically how all Western wealth has home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Norfolk state HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Norfolk state HBCU Black Ivy League shirt vegetarian.  Now we have the problem of "the commons" being owned by fewer and fewer multi-national companies whose privatized gains and socialized losses are increasing the  istyletee-Norfolk state HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  of the ability of the smaller player to participate.  Also known as capitalism...  0  there is no tragedy of istyletee-Norfolk state HBCU Black Ivy League shirt commons!! Hardin was completely wrong in the  istyletee-Norfolk state HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  of commons he did agree at some point of his life. There is no sense in tragedy of commons. Go look for Ostrom's 1994 paper.  First riddle fails if in the first 2 days all male or all female fish are caught.  Thanos mustve read Hardin's essay or Flyod's paper  4:00 and then conversly we elect home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Sloth Yoga That’s what I do I meditate I hate people and I know things vintage shirt

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Buy it: Sloth Yoga That’s what I do I meditate I hate people and I know things vintage shirt Electing "the right people" to run things never works.  They are rarely able to accomplish their goals anyhow and, even when they do, it only lasts until "the  istyletee-Sloth Yoga That’s what I do I meditate I hate people and I know things vintage shirt  people" get in - and they always get in, don't they?  Put not your faith in princes.  Instead, set up a system where people's self-interest is \ istyletee-Sloth Yoga That’s what I do I meditate I hate people and I know things vintage shirt automatically put subservient to your wishes, without ever pointing a gun or writing a law.  In economics, this is what called public goods problems  basically what communism does to society, squeeze the production system to feed the " istyletee-Sloth Yoga That’s what I do I meditate I hate people and I know things vintage shirt  " till there's no more fish...

istyletee-Tennessee State university Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Tennessee State university Black Ivy League shirt resource from those who overuse or are well-connected.  If I graze my cow on The Common (I'm looking at you, Boston!) as much as possible, then my milk costs less to produce, no matter what it does to my neighbors.  If the city tries to control access, those who are "friends" will end up getting more access to the "free" resource. The  istyletee-Tennessee State university Black Ivy League shirt  is to sell or give the common to a person, who wi istyletee-Tennessee State university Black Ivy League shirt ll charge an entry fee and then have an incentive to conserve the  istyletee-Tennessee State university Black Ivy League shirt  .  This creates a balance between supply and demand.  The owner is incentivized to create as much resource as possible, which is good for everybody. When the city tries to do the same thing, we get some bureaucrat's answer to the problem, which always devol...

istyletee-Uapb HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Uapb HBCU Black Ivy League shirt and decide whether or not you agree.  Ayn Rand says no.  But we still have to assume that everyone only NEEDS one fish  The tragedy of the commons is a well known economic problem governing any resource constrained system. In any socio-economic system, how would one prevent users of the system who behave in th The Tragedy of the  istyletee-Uapb HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  in Blockchain Technology is n there's the US istyletee-Uapb HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  and world elite  The toilet paper rush #corona  This example does not take account of how some “fisherman” could have more mouths to feed...  The  istyletee-Uapb HBCU Black Ivy League shirt   of the Commons is meant as a cautionary tale about public ownership of ANYTHING!  It is to be avoided wherever possible, because it is nearly impossible to protect and conserve a common  home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Virginia State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Virginia State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt reproduce more than those fish in the  istyletee-Virginia State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  ? thats tragic  I’m 36 years old now, but I was a psychology major and graduated in 2007. My AWESOME professor, Dr. Antonio Puente (UNCW) had studied under someone equally incredibly and intelligent- Roger W. Sperry. Sperry was responsible for the, “split brain theory.” I was 21 years old in 2007 and realized we had an issue, but  istyletee-Virginia State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt these men ensured I only became more passionate about overpopulation. Great video, but what should be added is the link to what else this story is attempting to teach humans. Appeal to someone’s conscience, they’ll stop, “overgrazing.” But the  istyletee-Virginia State HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  sector of humans just do not care. I’ll let the intelligent humans read the original article  home:  2020xayahshirt...

istyletee-Virginia Union HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Virginia Union HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  Alice and Tom are fish in a tank. When the train went by the vibrations made the  istyletee-Virginia Union HBCU Black Ivy League shirt fall and break, and the fish died.  Moral of the Story : Don't be greedy. Whether you are rich or poor, we will all end at the grave.  Problem of capitalism  Tragedy of the COMMIES  O  THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE istyletee-Virginia Union HBCU Black Ivy League shirt DELETED, MUST BE PASSED ON THROUGH GENERATIONS  Best video ever  The experience of life, teach us that the human doesn't learn from his experience of life. (Capusotto)  One of the areas where tragedy of the commons is not a tragedy and does some good is taking surveys.  do i feel a sense of communism here  what if humans the  istyletee-Virginia Union HBCU Black Ivy League shirt home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Voorhees HBCU Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it: Voorhees HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  Next day, get one more and put the  istyletee-Voorhees HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  together so they can grow in their own  I wanted to translate this video into Turkish so that i could share my thoughts on the subject with the help of this video, as well as make this video available to more people. However, it seems that this video, or any other TED-Ed video, is not "enabled for community contribution". I do not know how istyletee-Voorhees HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  other translations were added, but i would like to share this beautiful video with people i know and people that want to learn but do not know English. How can i contribute to this?  Thank you.  Alice and Tom are swimming when a train goes by. When the  istyletee-Voorhees HBCU Black Ivy League shirt  is gone, Alice and Tom are found dead in a puddle of water and glass. What home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Wiener wars han so low dach vader shirt and women’s tank top

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Buy it: Wiener wars han so low dach vader shirt and women’s tank top t teaching this to kids we will suffer the consequences.  the  istyletee-Wiener wars han so low dach vader shirt and women’s tank top  of the commons is just a metaphorical justification for private property. Hardin offered no concrete evidence for his claims of overgrazing. this kind of propaganda serves to anesthetize one of the greatest actual tragedies of the  istyletee-Wiener wars han so low dach vader shirt and women’s tank top working and poor classes... being kicked off the  istyletee-Wiener wars han so low dach vader shirt and women’s tank top  and driven into cities to labor for a wage.  One word Thanos  Wait, get 1 for 1 day, but don’t eat it Boom your own fish  anyone else just learn this in their environment class?  Dear TED-Ed, home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Wssu university Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it :Wssu university Black Ivy League shirt  see a neighbour in the same building as you smoking a pack a day, never exercising, not caring for his life, It provokes you to feel like if this guy feels that way when he lives in the  istyletee-Wssu university Black Ivy League shirt  building, pays the same as me, Why should I feel much different!? Just like if you show care, respect, gratitude fo istyletee-Wssu university Black Ivy League shirt r your life & responsibility and appreciate your life, exercise daily living in that building & your neighbour see's it, He or she may realize he's not doing so bad! A big thing of this is being jealous or envious over what others have. And wanting to be someone else than yourself! "You got to be who you are in this world"  And until we star the  istyletee-Wssu university Black Ivy League shirt  home:  2020xayahshirt

istyletee-Wvsu university Black Ivy League shirt

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Buy it:W vsu university Black Ivy League shirt 1 second ago  Makes me think of why it's good to believe you could be the first dominoe to changing the world around you! Jesus Christ was one man who changed the  istyletee-Wvsu university Black Ivy League shirt  ! Addiction counsellors would often say, If one of you from this group of 25 or 30 people end up living drug free, & not spending your time, energy, money & health on drugs, My job is doing great things and I will be ver istyletee-Wvsu university Black Ivy League shirt y happy! And We've all heard beliefs & rationalization such as "If I don't sell the  istyletee-Wvsu university Black Ivy League shirt  someone else will, They will just get them off someone else" ! Well what if we quit believing that way! Like we realize we can be the spoke or become the missing spoke of a gear that is spinning a machine going the wrong way! If you home:  2020xayahshirt

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Buy it: Xavier university Black Ivy League shirt his life, It provokes you to feel like if this guy feels that way when he lives in the  istyletee-Xavier university Black Ivy League shirt building, pays the same as me, Why should I feel much different!? Just like if you show care, respect, gratitude for your life & responsibility and appreciate your life, exercise daily living in that building & your neighbour see's it, He or she may realize he's not doing so bad! A big thing of this is being jealous or istyletee-Xavier university Black Ivy League shirt envious over what others have. And wanting to be someone else than yourself! "You got to be who you are in this world" incentives to deviate from whats optimal for everyone.  1 day diet.  Thanos was right.  Poor fish died :(  In theory it would be beneficial if someone would be in charge of the pond, limit the villagers so they would take less than 4 fish/day and let the  istyletee-Xavier ...

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Buy it: Your Ego is writing checks your body can’t cash top gun shirt  only answer..."  Biggest scam of this century... Everyday so many hindu girls in Pakistan are being converted to muslim forcefully and she didn't say a word.. And once she said I'm never gonna leave my country and now look where she is.  No wonder the  evelynnteeshirts-Your Ego is writing checks your body can’t cash top gun shirt  are increasing..  Malala has evelynnteeshirts-Your Ego is writing checks your body can’t cash top gun shirt ADMITTED to being a Marxist: "I am convinced Socialism is the  evelynnteeshirts-Your Ego is writing checks your body can’t cash top gun shirt  answer..."  I LOVE HER!!! She’s such a wonderful inspiration.  For what?  Malala has ADMITTED to being a Marxist: "I am convinced Socialism is the only answer..."  Global over-population is at a critical point, mass involuntary sterilisation vaccinations across the whole worl...

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Buy it: Cats Ew people vintage shirt ADMITTED to being a Marxist: " I am convinced Socialism is the  evelynnteeshirts-Cats Ew people vintage shirt  answer..."  My personal theory is that Ted appeals to the "success seminar" culture that a lot of economically obsessed people follow. It is just one of the few channels that will post stuff like this despite the large fraction of right wing watchers. I personally barely feel safe commenting on their videos knowing the kind of toxic  evelynnteeshirts-Cats Ew people vintage shirt culture that is waiting in most of their comment sections.  @Slartibartfast Slartibartfast -- "Toxic" this and "toxic" that ... can't you have the  evelynnteeshirts-Cats Ew people vintage shirt  to just admit that your Leftist ideals are just morally and factually bankrupt?  Sorry, is it "toxic" to call you out on that too?  I think we have to pinpoint the countries where children have failed Educatio...

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Buy it: Supernatural water mirror fuck corona shirt  are not falling into the  evelynnteeshirts-Supernatural water mirror fuck corona shirt  of victimization of woman, that usually woman who know are capable and "just do it". In Spain where I live, Twitter director is a woman, also google and biggest bank (Banco Santander). They are there because they deserve it.... but more and more seems like we want equality of outcome and I believe thats a mistake and has being debunked in practice in a stud evelynnteeshirts-Supernatural water mirror fuck corona shirt y in Finland. I hope woman start realising that they are being used as an object for politicians and when the truly problems woman have (in opresive countries such as Iran) they can achieve equality of opportunity with the help of all of us  @Jon thine baptista the  evelynnteeshirts-Supernatural water mirror fuck corona shirt  such as?  @TheFinalBoss make a baby    home:  202...

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Buy it: Social worker but for the life shirt  then he is a terrorist......  Independent Women can take care of woman @TheFinalBoss learn practically anything that is not spiritual  @TheFinalBoss bake cake  @TheFinalBoss etc  @Jon thine baptista the third Only thing a man can't do on his own is make a baby and the gov gives females all parenteral rights anyways so why again does a man need a woman? They bring nothing of value that a man can't do on his own.  @TheFinalBoss you don't get the  evelynnteeshirts-Social worker but for the life shirt , move on  if only there was a evelynnteeshirts-Social worker but for the life shirt spokesperson for boys future  His name is Dr. Jordan Peterson! And he's regulalrly attacked and mocked, unlike Malala, who is promoted because she has ADMITTED to being a Marxist: "I am convinced Socialism is the  evelynnteeshirts-Social worker but for the life shirt answer..."  With aducation ...

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Buy it: Vanilla Ice’20 stop collaborate listen shirt  themselves. They don't need constant assistance  But there are things that a person can't do by themselves.  Men and women are created to work together. Society is not allowing that sadly. See Kika Villa Coronado's response below  @Cercabene Society is not allowing that in oppressive regimes, in the " evelynnteeshirts-Vanilla Ice’20 stop collaborate listen shirt " EVERYONE can do what they want. People who think woman are opressed evelynnteeshirts-Vanilla Ice’20 stop collaborate listen shirt  in the "west" it´s because they are either ignorant and want to be a victim for the  evelynnteeshirts-Vanilla Ice’20 stop collaborate listen shirt of their lifes or because they didn´t achieve what they wanted and blame it on gender. We both have many differences and different approaches and advantages to different jobs, and thats a good thing for all of us. I´m happy that more   home:  2020fu...

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Buy it: A piece of my heart and soul lives in Ohio shirt  ideology and is FAR from being "a wonderful inspiration." I'm willing to give you the  evelynnteeshirts-A piece of my heart and soul lives in Ohio shirt  of that doubt that you weren't aware of that, though.  @Staci Koutsis Hes an alt right troll, screaming that same nonsense to everyone.  Sponsor and produce by BBC,she has said not a single word about evelynnteeshirts-A piece of my heart and soul lives in Ohio shirt suffering of Kashmir’s and Palestine women, her only job is to work against Muslims for rest of her life so far her Master’s are happy what she has done so far welcome to world of coconuts and traitors  Of course! Malala has ADMITTED to being a Marxist: "I am convinced Socialism is  the  evelynnteeshirts-A piece of my heart and soul lives in Ohio shirt    home:  2020funy

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Buy it: Drop like a butterfly block like a beast shirt anything intelligent or truthful to say, best to keep silent and not reveal your ignorance. Socialism is a failed, dangerous ideology!  Dr. David Webb you are just spamming comment section. I am not a socialist. I think nordic model of social equality is the  evelynnteeshirts-Drop like a butterfly block like a beast shirt  system in the world.  Malala yusuf zai is the real figure and there sacrifice is really appreciatable   what should i say to this  does she have a boyfriend or does she not have that right?  " A world that is fair and equal to everyone "  for this we evelynnteeshirts-Drop like a butterfly block like a beast shirt need to get out there and make a difference, like Malala is doing.  Even small actions of tolerance and knowledge will increase the level of love instead of hate.  We have that choice.      She is used by the anti Islam entitie...

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Buy it :Eyes need Herbalife Nutrition I’m your girl shirt   Only interview with TED.  you are a great inspiration   For Commies! Malala has ADMITTED to being a Marxist: " I am convinced Socialism is the only answer..."  Citizen Four You are just a parasite.  @b polat No, Socialists are the parasites! People in the  evelynnteeshirts-Eyes need Herbalife Nutrition I’m your girl shirt  calling for Socialism are evelynnteeshirts-Eyes need Herbalife Nutrition I’m your girl shirt parasites; meanwhile, the poor and starving from Socialist counties risk their lives to come to the  evelynnteeshirts-Eyes need Herbalife Nutrition I’m your girl shirt  West. Margaret Thatcher said it best: "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."  Dr. David Webb you are just a spam.  @b polat In other words, you're too uneducated to provide any factual rebuttal. If you don't have   home:  ...

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Buy it: Donald Trump whiny little bitch shirt  science and compassion for all of humanity.  @thinkabout : Go and play away. I have no time for folks like you. You have no idea what is really going on .  @strong foot I said That's what SHOULD be going on.  Almost everyone realizes that this world is heading towards disaster.  @thinkabout Practically all (abrahamic [bcs I can't speak for the  evelynnteeshirts-Donald Trump whiny little bitch shirt  majority of religions]) religions are based evelynnteeshirts-Donald Trump whiny little bitch shirt around love and compassion for others. And Islam in particular really pushes for good reasoning, logic, science and the search for knowledge. That's why at the  evelynnteeshirts-Donald Trump whiny little bitch shirt  of Islam, it meant the Arabic golden age because everyone was focused on science.  @strong foot How is she used by anti Islam entities if she is muslim herself? Speaking on real...

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Buy it: Connecticut I still call it home vintage shirt Qu'ran, or at least it shouldn't be  @Jin Jun Liu Yes, they are based on love and compassion but they turn out to be powers that become evil to a large extent.  I am not talking Spirit here I'm talking religions that are controlled by men !  I read almost all of her books, idk if there are anymore I didn’t read but, her outlook on life is amazing. Always having hope and persevering through the  evelynnteeshirts-Connecticut I still call it home vintage shirt  evelynnteeshirts-Connecticut I still call it home vintage shirt times. She is my role model 100% I love her. Thank you for your videos!  Malala has ADMITTED to being a Marxist: " I am convinced Socialism is the  evelynnteeshirts-Connecticut I still call it home vintage shirt  answer..."  Malala has ADMITTED to being a Marxist: " I am convinced Socialism is the only answer..."  If hypocrisy has a face.  Why is ther...

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Buy it: Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt  they know it's worse  @Franku Doge It has a lot to do with a few reasons. First of all, sometimes it's their cultural values that say that having a lot of children is a blessing and the ones with no children are then stigmatized. Secondly, the  evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt  mortality rate in poor countries is a lot higher because of bad water and bad health care systems, so they produce more kids knowing that some will die young. evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt Thirdly, contraconceptives are also shunned in a lot of those countries, so that will lead to a lot of children and definitely if the girls are forced to marry young. Fourthly, the children can help out with their parents work. Like working on the  evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Suzuki shirt  or perhaps a different business...

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Buy it: Need Pampered Chef independent consultant I’m your girl shirt Leeman isn't what i mentioned  related to education and human rights?? the  evelynnteeshirts-Need Pampered Chef independent consultant I’m your girl shirt  Tare for children, education is mainly supportive  @Malalayousafzai how to contact you I run my school. I need your support  DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR CELLPHONE IS BEING TRACKED AND LISTENED TO 24/7?  Last week Her birthday  scam  Absolutely! She's a dirty Commie and evelynnteeshirts-Need Pampered Chef independent consultant I’m your girl shirt  a threat to Democracy! Malala said: "I am convinced Socialism is the  evelynnteeshirts-Need Pampered Chef independent consultant I’m your girl shirt answer..."  God bless her  God wouldn't appreciate her promoting murderous ideologies: "I am convinced Socialism is the only answer..."  The most admirable person of mine  In high school we ha...

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Buy it:N ever underestimate a woman who works at Costco shirt  he very thing she stands for..  Love her  An optimistic look at the future of girls' education | Malala Yousafzai: Such words are very cheap when we all know that Miss Malala Yousafzai has and still being used as a propaganda against Islam and Muslims by the  evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Costco shirt  TERRORISTS who invaded illegally and unconstitutionally Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria ....etc .  Lol, she's a scam  Such an evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Costco shirt inspiring woman   She is so fake.  All Pakistan has to do is make Education obligatory for every child up to the age of 15, but they refuse to do it. It's not about money, it's not about the  evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Costco shirt  or computers, or even schools.  Then what is it about?  older girl...

evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Volvo shirt

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Buy it: Never underestimate a woman who works at Volvo shirt   There's more fruit in a rich man's shampoo than in a poor man's plate  that trend suggestion is bullshit. the world is being fed more and more over a trend of several years.  Tell the  evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Volvo shirt  people to stop having 15 kids each, can't solve a problem if they keep adding to it.  If we all go for vegetarianism or veganism, there will be more food as per studies. If we want to minimize hunger evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Volvo shirt to some extent please spread this message  @Franku Doge you got a very good point there. They think more children= more income  @Franku Doge ryt u r completely  ryt  @Wonder Traveller Not going to happen though, what we need is artificial meat. People aren't going to give up some good meat for vegetables. Even if  the  evelynntee...

evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Yamaha shirt

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Buy it:N ever underestimate a woman who works at Yamaha shirt  motivate thousands of girls and I’m so happy that you’ve been able to achieve your dream of becoming an oxford graduate.  Yes, I couldn’t agree with you more.  One of the best public figures today.  Great talk! We need more strong women to get on stage and other girls will follow suit! #girlpower  Your obviously sweet, intelligent and talented.  Know companies that would hire you today! Racism and sexism is the problem! Really? Your optimism in your generations  future is cute.  Wake up to what's going on around you and in the  evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Yamaha shirt  . Good luck and God bless.  COMO É UMA ATIVISTA MUNDIALMENTE CONHECIDA SERIA BOM COLOCAR LEGENDAS EM TODAS evelynnteeshirts-Never underestimate a woman who works at Yamaha shirt AS LÍNGUAS PRA PODERMOS ACOMPANHÁ-LA. .MAS POUQUÍSSIMAS PESSOAS PELO MUNDO DETÉM A LÍNG...

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Buy it: Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt  economy, what do you find morally wrong with making education a priority for everyone? Without an education how can we function as a technology driven society, and pursue happiness as individuals? What do we stand for if we don't support everyone's learning and success?  As for the birth rate nonsense, you should probably look up more research. The  evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt  between poverty and birth rate doesn't add up if having more kids clearly causes a better economy and society. In other words, there are many more factors at play than education and birth rate. Also correlation=/= evelynnteeshirts-Rhode island I still call it home vintage shirt causation.  This is because Pakistanis dislike her. As she talks about girls education and yet she hasn't constructed a single primary school for girls in her hometown.  @Citizen Four not every socialist is ...

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Buy it: That’s what I do I craft stuff I hate people and I know things vintage shirt  up for it. Social programs and the  evelynnteeshirts-That’s what I do I craft stuff I hate people and I know things vintage shirt  elfare state explode, and now we can't pay all the interest on the massive debts/deficits. Then governments must artificially suppress interest rates to keep from paying so much interest to bond holders. Then future bondholders seek better returns elsewhere, and no longer can be depended on to support a nation's debt. This is EXACTLY what is being played out in evelynnteeshirts-That’s what I do I craft stuff I hate people and I know things vintage shirt Europe, in particular. There are so many impacts down the  evelynnteeshirts-That’s what I do I craft stuff I hate people and I know things vintage shirt  , and if one simply connects the dots, then we come to realize that we can't really support this nonsense.  Owen Twaites I have been ...

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Buy it: Vikings death is inevitable so live life without fear shirt  bad  Jin Jun Liu 1:4 is 25%  @Josh Spontak No it's not. 4 parts like, 1 part dislike makes a total of 5 for both values. 1 part dislike out of 5 total is 20%.  Ted has the most disappointing online culture, but putting these ideas in front of the  evelynnteeshirts-Vikings death is inevitable so live life without fear shirt  corporate culture that subscribes to them is evelynnteeshirts-Vikings death is inevitable so live life without fear shirt important.  Societies start to decline terminally when female education is made a priority. Not right away, but within a few generations. We already have a population/fertility decline in most Western nations, and this is a direct correlation with female "education". Then when governments do is, import so many under-qualified immigrants to make  the  evelynnteeshirts-Vikings death is inevitable so live life without fear shirt...

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Buy it: Weed herbalife nutrition addict shirt  nonentity  I feel the  evelynnteeshirts-Weed herbalife nutrition addict shirt  as American refugee  Does orange mean something specific? She wears it a lot.  orange man bad  It means Orange  RSS  In India orange means courage and selflessness Malala is exactly like that              Edit: omg 7 likes my record was 3  @Prashant Tiwari wtf  @Indrajeet Shinde LoL  orange means a lot to Indians.  Specially Hindutva.  @Prashant Tiwari i know i am hindu.. evelynnteeshirts-Weed herbalife nutrition addict shirt  But RSS cracked me up. LoL  @Indrajeet Shinde what if malala is secret agent working for RSS...  @V.J.S Manognya wtf!  Orange means Akhand Bharat   Does anyone think we might be in WW3 right now?    Something TED is very good at, keep talking about it. If you hear something repeat it, se...

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Buy it: You curse too much bitch You breathe too much shut the fuck up shirt  weather patter busineur age, u don't have to research about it. Take positive inspirationelle Allenand  citizen four is stupid.  @Indrajeet Shinde she has done a lot but I don't really think he was being the  evelynnteeshirts-You curse too much bitch You breathe too much shut the fuck up shirt disrespectful. Maybe if he changed his words a bit but I think he's just putting his thoughts out their evelynnteeshirts-You curse too much bitch You breathe too much shut the fuck up shirt  Is it just me or  she having  peripherique facial paralysis ? Or is it just tumefaction  Why so many dislikes?  ️  Role Models, the only one that changed perceptions over the last 40 years in the UK was Princess Diana, she stood head and shoulders over anyone else....unfortunately over the  evelynnteeshirts-You curse too much bitch You breathe too much shut the fuck up ...

xayahshirt-Teachers can do Virtually anything computer shirt

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Buy it: Teachers can do Virtually anything computer shirt  Feeling blessed with these educational videos.  laughs in audio processing issues  This is making me rethink my teaching  Like yo the  xayahshirt-Teachers can do Virtually anything computer shirt  in this video are so true. Like sometimes someone says something, now I didn't get it at first, Only heard it pcally the neurone play some sort of weird elimination style of housie  The animations though.  Cool gospel song xayahshirt-Teachers can do Virtually anything computer shirt  must say.  धन्यवाद ️  Good concept Confusing and compicated animation languages ir video  Ted ed can you make a video on how space x earn money and why helium 3 is important for fusion reactor  This was such an amazing video... the  xayahshirt-Teachers can do Virtually anything computer shirt  home:  2020mytrendingshirt

xayahshirt-The Mountain Bigfoot shirt

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Buy it: The Mountain Bigfoot shirt are not internalizing words just by sleeping. We need to actively create a node for a new word. Like a thing in the physical world or an association. What we are storing in the  xayahshirt-The Mountain Bigfoot shirt  , seems to me, to just be for short-term memory and will eventually be forgotten if we are not actively storing it for long-term use.  sekond one  Wow excellent work          Nice  Awesome xayahshirt-The Mountain Bigfoot shirt and informative video  (sorry for bad English)  Hi  trippy  Beautiful video  Does that word count only involves monolinguals?  No cap  Covfefe  Beautiful video  Cool animation  Whoopi caresss  Why are all you videos are aha  whish  how does your brain process speech not well  I hate this cartoon format the  xayahshirt-The Mountain Bigfoot shirt  home:  2020mytrendingshirt

xayahshirt-Turtle it’s fine i_m fine everything’s fine shirt

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Buy it: Turtle it’s fine i'm fine everything’s fine shirt problems.  Great  I wish i was not epileptic..  Wow  Wow  Cool.   How to learn English ?  Vietsub please !!!  Yeet  highschool.  Sound is very fascinating.  Why are some words funny when you repeat them? Say bat a bunch of times and it doesnt sound correct. But shoul the  xayahshirt-Turtle it’s fine i_m fine everything’s fine shirt  xayahshirt-Turtle it’s fine i_m fine everything’s fine shirt dn't repetition, only ensure our brains that it is correct?  Again sleep is OP  thx  “I am a brain, Watson. The  xayahshirt-Turtle it’s fine i_m fine everything’s fine shirt  of me is a mere appendix.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle  Like google trying to guess what your trying to search  No, we .. home:  2020mytrendingshirt

xayahshirt-Tzu Don’t scare me I Fart easily shirt

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Buy it: Tzu Don’t scare me I Fart easily shirt some people hear Yanny and others laurel?  My brain can't  Hey hey hey  Very unsettling animation :-/  the  xayahshirt-Tzu Don’t scare me I Fart easily shirt killed it  Wow i didn't know i knew so many words  My brain hurts...  In India ,non Hindi speakers commonly know two to three languages. My mother tongue is Marathi, and I converse in Hindi and English with everyone else.... I always thought this make xayahshirt-Tzu Don’t scare me I Fart easily shirt s a better learner..... Anybody else from a different country have such kind of a thing?  I like the bird like creatures in the  xayahshirt-Tzu Don’t scare me I Fart easily shirt  .  Firs  Awesome videos who agrees ? 1  trippy man  For 5 years i studied german and still can't figuring out many words, due to lack of practice and staying up late (curse you insomnia). Your video is the answer for figuring out...

xayahshirt-We are never too old for Stitch shirt

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Buy it: We are never too old for Stitch shirt same right?  no CAP?!  Creepy animations but interesting topic   Is there any way you guys could include the source material for your videos (books, articles, etc.)? I‘d love to read more about this subject. Thanks in advance  Thank you guys  This video explains the  xayahshirt-We are never too old for Stitch shirt  like it's some sort of in depth ai. Ironic right. With that in mind, I can sort of understand people xayahshirt-We are never too old for Stitch shirt  who think that ai systems will take over the word because what if humans were created by the beings before.  I like the  xayahshirt-We are never too old for Stitch shirt  in this video. Weird but good.  Early  I want the drug your animators use.  I hear ya...  Eeyyy  Oh dreamweaver.  Okay, but that thumbnail tho.  There can't be anything better than Ted ed  Hi  How do po...

xayahshirt-You just Fold it in vintage shirt

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Buy it: You just Fold it in vintage shirt  go down to 17%  Capybara!  Why is there no translation for Arabic as in the  xayahshirt-You just Fold it in vintage shirt  videos?  About 98% of the time the brain chooses the correct w Me who said you too to the waiter: Are you sure about that  first  What if brain is quantum computer?  How does our brain learn math and science?  So you mean that sleeping is important?  Do you think in your xayahshirt-You just Fold it in vintage shirt  native language or in gobbledygook.  Bruh this video is trippy af  Dope animation  Can you please make a vidieo about way its so hot in cars  Second?  Dear Tended. How is speech different from reading? Agreed the source of input is different. But yet, the processing inside the  xayahshirt-You just Fold it in vintage shirt  must be the home:  2020mytrendingshirt

xayahshirt-I was so innocent and then my best friend came long shirt

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Buy it: I was so innocent and then my best friend came long shirt speakers?? haha  brain is the  xayahshirt-I was so innocent and then my best friend came long shirt  12th  I love it  Then make this in Python  i like the animation style  That animation style tho  tfw your speech processing center is processing information about itself  All this complexity and they say there is no creator! What fools they are!!  F xayahshirt-I was so innocent and then my best friend came long shirt IRST!  No wonder English is so hard for foreigners. Too much meaning for a single sound. But just thinking about how fast the  xayahshirt-I was so innocent and then my best friend came long shirt  works is incredible. Seems like there wouldn’t be much room for much else after language is incorporated but then we keep functioning.  35th  Thank you  Just wow  i think 98% is during normal convo... but then during presen...

xayahshirt-I’m done Peopling Where are My Books shirt

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Buy it: I’m done Peopling Where are My Books shirt  of looking at things, or the perspectives of multilingual people, and though I did find some of that, the overwhelming majority of comments are just jokes or puns that are clearly a form of likebait  All I can say is NEAT  How many languages does one planet need? Should we double the number we have or triple it?  Damn dat animation style  Amazing  my respect to the  xayahshirt-I’m done Peopling Where are My Books shirt  xayahshirt-I’m done Peopling Where are My Books shirt xayahshirt-I’m done Peopling Where are My Books shirt tors  Okay this was beautiful  Ted ED is the only channel where I don't skip ads, cuz DAMN, they deserve it all! My favourite channel, hands down, on YouTube  Thank you for feeding our curiosity and teaching us about things we never knew existed   I love the  xayahshirt-I’m done Peopling Where are My Books shirt  Taglish home:...

xayahshirt-Lips might be crazy might just need carbs you will never know shirt

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Buy it: Lips might be crazy might just need carbs you will never know shirt rd   Ted ed is speaking to us about speaking and understanding and we're understanding.  HIRE ME!!!  Man! This video is Phycedelic  The  xayahshirt-Lips might be crazy might just need carbs you will never know shirt   are scary af  So I need to sleep more  Me and my stutter  Wow every Lesson Is Worth Sharing!  This video is very good. But i need many informations about mathematics. About euclid Geometry. And i also ne\ xayahshirt-Lips might be crazy might just need carbs you will never know shirt ed Chemistry Gravity story of newton (Apple tree story )  'All words are made up'...pftbladablobmmkhæ?   Wow. Just wow.    Went to the  xayahshirt-Lips might be crazy might just need carbs you will never know shirt  today. Saw a capybara  subhanallah..............  integrated processor inside  Speech lev...